Breads 41 Drinks 9 Jams and jellies 19 Main dishes 169 Other stuff 17 Salad dressings 20 Salads 18 Sauces 27 Sides 51 Spice mixes 26 Sweets 134

Emergency Kimchi



Cut the cabbage into thin strips. In a large bowl, combine the cabbage, water, and salt, and mix well. Set aside for at least ten minutes.

Combine the remaining ingredients in a bowl to make a kimchi paste.

Wash and rinse the cabbage in cold water, and drain. Add the kimchi paste to the cabbage and mix thoroughly. Store in an airtight container or plastic bag, pressing the top of the kimchi down with your hands to protect it from being exposed to too much air.

Eat it right away, just like salad. Or keep it at room temperature and it will ferment in a few days.